ESTATE SALE!! The Grape Residence
ESTATE SALE!! The Grapes Residence
4636 Alabama Road (off Rt. 63, Shelby)
Medina, NY 14103
(Across from Forrestel Farms)
Friday, October 4 – 9:30am to 4:00pm
Saturday, October 5 – 9:30am to 3:00pm
Sunday, October 6 – 10:00am to 1:00pm (final clearance!)
Orleans County historical books, old political button collection, Vintage clothing, Medina yearbooks, stamp collection, books, quilts and supplies, Hummels, Wedgewood china, better jewelry and sterling, paperweights, Royal Daulton Toby mugs, crystal, colored glass collection, Fenton, Lockport bottles, mounted fish, old cameras, Longaberger baskets, pennants, craft supplies, cherry hutch, mahogany table and chairs, dressers, Sharp flat screen TV, vintage 8-track player, Spinet piano, school desk, antique oak hall seat, old Army uniforms and gas mask, old metal toy trucks, Starcraft boat, GARAGE FULL OF TOOLS, old rototiller, snowblower, vintage boat motors and TONS MORE!!!
Great sale! Don’t miss it!