The DePeters Residence


The DePeters Residence

3249 Gaines Basin Rd Albion (just north canal bridge) 14411

Fri., Jan. 12, 9:30am-4:00pm

Sat., Jan. 13, 9:30am-3:00pm

Snowdate: Sun., Jan. 14

HOUSE & GARAGE FULL!! Vintage salon hairdresser furniture, “Rooster & Roses” dishes, Mahogany side, tier, drop-leaf & drum tables, maple drop-leaf table & hutch, stenciled dinette set, game table, tea cart, Roseville, hand painted china, crystal, “King’s Crown” glassware, Capodimonte table lamp, Rooster collection, costume jewelry, cane seat chairs, wicker, book shelves, stack tables, deacons bench, sofas & chairs, 4-pc. Cherry queen bedroom set, Retro 5-pc. bedroom set, Kling Maple dresser & twin beds, Gone-with-the-Wind Lamp, dolls & collectibles, 1 yr. old flat-screen TV, Vintage tuba, old radio, player piano, recliner, MANY holiday decorations, old bicycle & unicycle, canning jars, tools, and TONS MORE! For pictures


The event is finished.


Jan 13 2024


9:30 am - 4:00 pm
QR Code