William “Fuzzy” Norman Residence
William “Fuzzy” Norman Residence
944 Iroquois Drive Waterport 14571 (off Archbald Rd & O.O. on the Lake)
Fri. March 1, 9:30am-4:00pm
Sat. March 2, 9:30am-3:00pm
Sun. March 3, “Clean out” 11:00am-2:00pm
HOUSE FULL – Many Southwest & Adirondack Collectibles. Fiestaware – large colorful service, Bear & Moose collectibles, oak dresser, Antique church pew, saddle holder, wagon wheels, crocks & barrels, deer head, Adirondack rocker, jewelry/Sterling, snow shoes, white birch side tables, kitchenware/small appliances, wood boxes & cupboards, glass-top dinette set, wicker furniture & porch swing, wooden wagon, Vintage Coca-Cola ice chest, leather recliner, sofa & chair, day bed, dining table & hutch, Broyhill 5-pc. bedroom set, trundle bed, ROOM FULL of CHRISTMAS Collectibles & decorations, signed prints & pictures, linens, stereo equipment, TV, bicycles, table, band & miter saws, tools, fishing/boating equipment, ladders, lawn carts, inflatable hot tub. MUCH MORE! DON’T MISS IT! For pictures www.lorraineoakley.com